Galerie Besson closed in June 2011.
Mar 2011
The gallery opened in 1988 and it has been an extraordinary and exciting 23 years for me. I have met many wonderful artists who have given me encouragement, support and friendship . I have learnt so much from the public, enthusiasts and above all from the artists. Now, after 245 exhibitions and aged 77, I have come to the decision to close the gallery at the end of June and start a new phase of my life – just as exciting but less demanding than organising 10 exhibitions each year!
It has been my intention that my gallery should be useful in promoting ceramics on the international market. I feel that that has been achieved.
My recent trip to Japan for the Lucie Rie travelling exhibition in six museums, which, so far, has attracted more than 400,000 visitors, and the wonderful reception I received there, has made me realise, more than I had ever expected, the possibilities which are still open to me.
On a personal level, I am sure that you can imagine that the decision to close the gallery has not been easy but I feel that this is the right time to change direction while I still have the energy to do so.
I shall continue to work, but without a gallery, and look forward to new projects as a consultant. I hope we shall remain in touch.
With my best greetings,
Anita Besson, March 2011

Anita Besson
Photo, M. Lunardelli